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The best thing about Abruzzo is the power to transport you into different ages, just like a time machine you dream about as a kid.

We want to share with you the activities and experiences you can have in our region within a two hour drive, and sometimes even within the same day.

  1.  Skiing and beaching on the same day

During some magic spring days, here is the perfect agenda.

Head to Passolanciano (CH) early in the morning and enjoy skiing on the slopes while overlooking the Adriatic Sea.

Have lunch in one of the mountain “Rifugi”, then head down to Pescara along the coast for a sunset on the beach.

You’re welcome.

2.  Walking on trees

The biggest adventure park in Central Italy, Majella Adventure Park is nestled inside a huge natural reserve and has all kinds of entertainment for both children and adults, with canopy obstacle courses plus hiking and biking trails. Family fun is guaranteed.

Majella’s adventure Park

3. Hiking to hidden hermitages

Abruzzo is full of suggestive, ancient monasteries and sanctuaries, where you can enjoy amazing walks into nature and feel like you are taken back in time.

The most famous (and one of the easiest to reach) is in the town of Rocca Calascio (AQ), where the movie “LadyHawke” was filmed.

4. Looking out into the void

The Castle of Roccascalegna (AQ) has a unique shape and lays on a very steep and irregular shape rock that gives you the sensation of being suspended in the air.

A magical place worth visiting.

5. Looking out for the enemy

Civitella del Tronto (TE) is home to one of the largest fortresses in Europe.

Built in the 1500’s during the Spanish domination, it is famous for the resistance to many invading armies.

The structure is massive, extending more than 500 yards with a surface of 270,000 square feet.

Civitella Del Tronto’s Fortress.

6. Walking on the narrowest street of Italy

After you visit the fortress, go and take a walk on the “Ruetta”, Italy’s most narrow street.

Make sure you don’t overload with pasta before taking this bizzarre adventure; the street is only about 16 inches wide.  

A glimpse of the “Ruetta”

7.  Seeing a wolf, a bear, an eagle or a lynx in the wild

Abruzzo is home to three (!) National Parks that play a central role in the preservation of endangered species. You can enjoy a wide variety of flora and fauna, and if you are lucky, you might experience very special encounters.

Wolves in Abruzzo

8.  Dining on the Trabocco

Several places all over the world offer overhanging the water dining experiences, but only Abruzzo has these unique stilt houses built on pilework, former fishing hubs turned into cute restaurants where you can enjoy the freshest catch from the Adriatic Sea.

The town of Vasto (CH) is home to the 4 miles long Costa dei Trabocchi, with several coves and reefs and an enjoyable bicycle track.

A typical Abruzzo Trabocco

9. Swimming between underwater mills

The lake of Capodacqua in Capestrano (AQ) hosts a suggestive diving experience through a spectacular scenery highlighted by the submerged ruins of two perfectly kept mills that almost create a watery ghost town.

10. Rafting in nature

If you are a fan of water activities, Abruzzo has some of the best and most diverse water rafting experiences.

11. Canoeing on Europe’s cleanest river

Not looking for an adrenaline rush? Just sit back and cruise on kayaks in the Tirino river, that owes its clarity to the icy waters descending from Campo Imperatore.

Enjoy the bright blue and turquoise waters, the various shades of the plants below changing through the seasons and admire the impressive vegetation.

You will feel like being in a coral reef.

A glimpse of Tirino river

12. Jumping into the void

The bridge of Salle, on the Orta river, is the highest bridge of Central Italy.

A massive work of engineering, it is a must for all bungee jumping lovers.

13. Spending a day with a fisherman and a sheperd

You can learn the secrets of the most ancient Abruzzo activities by hanging out with locals and learning all the steps of fishing, from the boat to the sale, and of herding, from sheep farming to product making and processing.

14. Sleeping in the “Sextantio”

In order to increase tourism after hard times following the 2009 earthquake, the little village of Santo Stefano di Sessanio (AQ) created hotel rooms out of damaged historical houses.

With the hotel hall being the town’s main square, it is a one of a kind experience due to its unique atmosphere.

While you are there, don’t forget to enjoy their famous lentils.

A “vicolo” of Santo Stefano di Sessanio during Christmas

15. Experiencing the fall in the woods

The woods of Sant’Antonio in Pescocostanzo (AQ) is a protected area of over 1000 acres filled with imposing old trees and a stunning vegetation.

During the fall, you can witness the leafs changing colors into yellow, orange and red.

The medley of colors is really impressing on the eye and gives you the feeling of being in a magical place away from reality.

16. Finding a lake among caves

Abruzzo is home to multitude of caves, with The Grotte di Stiffe (AQ) being among the best ones in the country.

Underground limestone caves, stalactites and stalagmites were formed from dripping water that creates suggestive waterfalls and canyons.

During spring, the waters form an incredible pond resembling a real lake.

Make sure to wear a jacket and sturdy shoes.

The amazing Grotte di Stiffe

17. Travel on the Abruzzo Transiberiana

The most magical train ride of all Italy, the Transiberiana train is an 80 miles ride that stretches from Sulmona (AQ) to the adjacent region of Molise.

The historical convoy stops at several medieval towns and you are guaranteed to enjoy spectacular views and magical villages.

This attraction is available all year round, but make sure to reserve on time one of the 350 spots available.

18. Truffle hunting

Learn the secrets on how to find, conserve and eat those black and white gems, and participate in the hunt with expert guides and truffle dogs for a spectacular experience available between the months of October and December.

19. Feel like you are in Tibet

The mountain plateau of Campo Imperatore (AQ) spans over several miles creating a breathtaking landscape that earned the nickname “Little Tibet”.

It is home to an important astronomical observatory, on top of which you find the historical hotel where Mussolini was held prisoner during World War II.

A view of Campo Imperatore while driving

20. Snowshoeing in nature

During winter months, the traditional “ciaspolata” is a must.

Wear snowshoes (ciaspole) and arm sticks, explore one of the many hiking trails on the mountains, and of course, get rewarded with amazing food at the end of the day.